Frequently Asked Questions for New Members
We are pleased to know you are interested in joining our friendly choir. We welcome all singers and hope we are the choir for you! If you are passionate about singing, you will be rewarded with high-quality performances and outstanding training.
We hope the information below will help answer some of your questions.
If you have any query at all, please do contact the Membership Secretary, Claire Godfrey, at membership@stalbansbachchoir.org.uk.
Where and when does the choir rehearse?
The rehearsal venue is Dagnall Street Baptist Church, Lower Dagnall Street, St Albans. AL3 5EE. Find the rehearsal venue
Rehearsals are on Mondays during school term times, 8.00 – 9.45pm. Once a term, usually just before half term, we have an extra rehearsal on a Thursday evening. Occasionally rehearsals are on other days of the week.
Is there any parking at the rehearsal venue?
Parking is available in nearby council car parks - charges apply. Drovers Way and Gombards are the nearest. Information here. Christopher Place car park opposite the church charges more. We regret there is no parking in the church itself.
How big is the choir?
The choir averages 140-150 members with approximately 60 sopranos, 30 altos, 15 tenors and 40 basses. Voices are split into two parts.
Can I try out the choir before deciding to join?
Definitely! We welcome anyone to join one or both of our open rehearsals at the beginning of each term. This will give you a chance to see if we are the right choir for you and to get you singing again if you have not sung in a choir for a while.
Can you join at any time?
We accept new singers at the beginning of the autumn, spring and summer terms. Occasionally individual voice parts are full and we may need to ask you to come the following term but this is unusual.
Do I need to be able to read music?
We do ask that you can read music to ensure you can benefit most from the rehearsals and performances.
Do you welcome young singers?
We particularly encourage young singers over the age of 18 to join us. Subscriptions are waived for those under 26 years and music and folders are provided free of charge.
Do you need to audition to join the choir?
Yes, we do have a short audition for new members which is held with the conductor, usually on the first Saturday morning after the two open rehearsals. We regret that if you are not available on that day then we will not be able to accept you into the choir at that time. We hope you can join us at a future date.
What does the audition involve?
We ask you to sing a pre-prepared extract from the work we are learning that term. It will have been covered in both open rehearsals. There is also a piece of sight reading which you see 10 minutes before the audition and singing a scale for the conductor to assess your range.
How soon will I hear if I have been successful?
You will usually hear within a day by email. If successful, the conductor will assess your range and ask you to join a particular voice section. Each voice part is divided into 1 and 2 (higher and lower).
Are there subscriptions to pay and how much are they?
Yes, subscriptions are paid once a year and payment can be arranged in 3 instalments in October, November and December. If there are special circumstances then a payment plan can be arranged with the Treasurer. Under 26s are FREE and have no subscriptions to pay! The current rate is £264 per annum and the amount is agreed at the choir’s AGM each September/October. If you join us in the spring or summer terms then you pay a pro-rata amount.
Can I borrow or buy music from the choir?
We have a librarian who arranges for copies of the music to be available for hire for a small non-refundable fee. If you would like to buy music, there are various shops and online music sellers and we ask you to arrange this yourself. Music is provided free of charge to under 26s.
Do I have a set seat at rehearsals?
Seats are not allocated specifically at rehearsals but you are asked to sit within your own voice part.
Do you carry out re-auditions?
Yes we do! Every few years the choir is re-auditioned by the conductor. For this you will sing a pre-prepared piece of your choice. The format may change from time to time. It’s all very friendly.
Do you offer singing lessons?
We are pleased to be able to offer 30 minute singing lessons which are held during the rehearsal and on specific dates in the term. The choir subsidises the charge which is currently £25. We have male and female teachers who teach all voice parts. You can sign up for a lesson at the beginning of each term. Many of our members also arrange private singing lessons either regularly or at specific times. This is especially popular just before the re-auditions!
How often do you perform concerts?
Our usual pattern is to perform one concert per term in St Albans Cathedral. Sometimes there are special concerts in other venues, such as the Royal Albert Hall and Cadogen Hall. We also sing two carol concerts on the same day in the cathedral in early December.
What is the concert dress?
The concert dress for men is black trousers, black shirt, no tie, black socks and shoes. The concert dress for women is long sleeved black top and long black skirt (to ankles) or smart evening trousers (no jeans or leggings), black tights/socks, black shoes and black bag. For the carol concerts the men wear an additional red bow tie (please provide your own) and the women a red flower which you can buy at rehearsals.
Concert folders are required and cost £7. These are available to buy from the Membership Secretary.
Are there any social events?
We have a party at the end of each term where members can bring their family. This is usually held in the evening straight after the concert or carol concert. Other events are arranged from time to time.
Do you arrange choir tours abroad?
From time to time we arrange a choir tour.
Can I get involved with the running of the choir?
The choir has a committee made up of members of the choir and we welcome new members! There are many additional ways you can help and get involved. This ranges from serving drinks during the mid-rehearsal breaks, organising singing lessons, Friends Secretary, registers, concert arrangements, publicity, website, social media to name a few. Every member of the choir is allocated to a team who take it in turns to fold away the chairs and tidy up after concerts.